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Remote Temperature Checking for Employees – See how Agile Force is responding to Covid-19

By April 14, 2020No Comments

Strange times my friends.

At Agile Force we have been working around the clock to integrate a thermal imaging camera to our existing technology that will allow our users to remotely read the temperature of their employees as they report to work. See the short video below.  We are working with our suppliers to get as many of these as we can to handle the demand. You have many options when doing temperature checks, but they ALL require you to dedicate personnel to perform the checks. In addition the labor cost, quality equipment that is accurate can run you $10,000-$20,000 per camera!  We are focused on building an affordable solution that will help with the challenges now and the future when the worse of this is past us and staff returns to work.

Tomorrow the world will be very different. We will no longer wonder if we will have a pandemic but when will the next one hit. During a pandemic everyone is getting their temperature checked, but what about when the crisis subsides? What about employee HIPAA rights? How do we allow temperature screening without it being a disruption to the work place and protect the privacy of our employees? What about next time? We are averaging one every 6 years.

We believe that reading a temperature remotely while an employee is clocking in for their shift is the ideal way to go about it. No one but the agent sees the reading and can use an alternate channel of communication to speak with the employee about their potential fever. It only takes a second which is longer than it takes for them to clock in. No data is stored to insure privacy for the employee.

The new norm for businesses will involve temperature checks. If we can help you with your challenges please reach out to us.

Stay safe,


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